Academic Roles

Gabriele Cavallaro received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Trento, Italy, in 2011 and 2013, respectively, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Iceland, Iceland, in 2016. He is currently the Head of the ‘‘AI and ML for Remote Sensing’’ Simulation and Data Lab at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany and an Adjunct Associate Professor with the School of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Iceland, Iceland. He is also the Chair of the High-Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing (HDCRS) Working Group of the IEEE GRSS ESI Technical Committee and a Visiting Professor at the Φ-Lab of the European Space Agency (ESA) in the context of the Quantum Computing for Earth Observation (QC4EO) initiative.
He was the recipient of the IEEE GRSS Third Prize in the Student Paper Competition of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2015 (Milan - Italy). His research interests cover remote sensing data processing with parallel machine learning algorithms that scale on distributed computing systems and cutting-edge computing technologies, including quantum computers. He serves on the scientific committees of several international conferences and he is a referee for numerous international journals.

Academic Roles
- Opponent: "Efficient Registration of Multi and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images on GPU" (Álvaro Ordóñez, University of Santiago de Compostela) November 18th 2021
- PhD Opponent: Álvaro Ordóñez, "Efficient Registration of Multi and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images on GPU", University of Santiago de Compostela, 2021
- Master Thesis Opponent: Haukur Ísfeld Ragnarsson, "Predicting Model Performance for Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Image Classification", University of Iceland, 2021
- Master Thesis Opponent: Erwin Szudrawski, "Generation of Training Data for Automatic Land Cover Classification", University of Iceland, 2019
- Tutorial organizer: "End-to-End Machine Learning with Supercomputing and in the Cloud" (IEEE IGARSS 2023)
- Session organizer: "Scalable Parallel Computing for Remote Sensing" (IEEE IGARSS 2023)
- Session organizer: "Quantum computing next generation HPC" (IEEE IGARSS 2023)
- Summer school organizer: "High-Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing" 2023 (IEEE GRSS HDCRS Working Group)
- Summer school organizer: "High-Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing" 2022 (IEEE GRSS HDCRS Working Group)
- Tutorial organizer: "End-to-End Machine Learning with High Performance and Cloud Computing" (IGARSS 2022)
- Session organizer: "Novelty Detection and Lifelong Learning for Robust Performance Under Ever-Changing Conditions" at IGARSS 2022
- Session organizer: "Quantum computing and ML in GRSS" at IGARSS 2022
- Workshop organizer: 1st International Workshop on "Searching and Mining Large Collections of Geospatial Data“ (GeoSearch) - 2021
- Session organizer: "Data Intensive Computing for Remote Sensing" at IGARSS 2021
- Session chair: "Deep Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification" at IGARSS 2021
- Tutorial organizer: ''Scalable Machine Learning with High Performance and Cloud Computing''(IGARSS 2021)
- Summer school organizer: "High-Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing"-2021 (IEEE GRSS HDCRS Working Group)
- Session chair: "Data Fusion: Optical" atIGARSS 2020
- Workshop organizer: 11th IAPR International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing (PRRS 2020/2021)
- Tutorial organizer: "High Performance and Cloud Computing for Remote Sensing Data" (IGARSS 2018)
- Workshop organizer: 1st International Workshop on "Searching and Mining Large Collections of Geospatial Data“ (GeoSearch)
- Session organizer: "Data Intensive Computing for Remote Sensing" session at IGARSS 2021
- Session chair: "Deep Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification" session at IGARSS 2021
- Summer school organizer: "High-Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing"-2021 (HDCRS Working Group)
- Session chair: "Data Fusion: Optical" session atIGARSS 2020
- Workshop organizer: 11th IAPR International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing (PRRS 2020/2021)
- Tutorial organizer: "High Performance and Cloud Computing for Remote Sensing Data" (IGARSS 2018)
- EARTHVISION 2021 Workshop: Large Scale Computer Vision for Remote Sensing Imagery
- SDASC 2021: Workshop on Scalable Data Analytics in Scientific Computing
- IEEE Cluster 2020 Conference
- Euro-Par 2020: 26th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
- JURSE 2029: Biennial International Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event
- Euro-Par 2019: 25th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
- ISMM 2019: International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology
- SDASC 2019: Workshop on Scalable Data Analytics in Scientific Computing
- EARTHVISION 2021 Workshop: Large Scale Computer Vision for Remote Sensing Imagery
- SDASC 2021: Workshop on Scalable Data Analytics in Scientific Computing
- IEEE Cluster 2020 Conference
- Euro-Par 2020: 26th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
- JURSE 2029: Biennial International Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event
- Euro-Par 2019: 25th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing
- ISMM 2019: International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology
- SDASC 2019: Workshop on Scalable Data Analytics in Scientific Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), since October 2022
- IEEE JSTARS Special Issue on "Advances in Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing", 2021
- International Journal of Remote Sensing Special Issue on "Learning from Data for Remote Sensing Image Analysis", 2021
- IEEE JSTARS Special Issue on "Advances in Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing", 2021
- International Journal of Remote Sensing Special Issue on "Learning from Data for Remote Sensing Image Analysis", 2021
- IEEE JSTARS Special Issue on "Advances in Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing", 2021
- International Journal of Remote Sensing Special Issue on "Learning from Data for Remote Sensing Image Analysis", 2021
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
- Proceedings of the IEEE
- IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS)
- IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL)
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)
- IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
- IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS)
- IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL)
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)